Full Record

Id: 1832 Attr. doubtful: No Time: 1716 Lost: No Source: Music For Oboe

Marcello, Alessandro (1684 - 1750)

Concerto 2

in Concerti a cinque

Opus:WV Z 799
Instrumentation: Ob; 2 Vns, Va, Bc (Cat. 10.3)
First published:Amsterdam: Roger (nr.432) 1716
Modern editions: Möseler
Musica Rara
Befoco (Ed. P.Wuttke, 2007, orchestration of the Bach-harpsichord-arrangement)
International Music Corp.
Libraries: D-SWl (Ms parts, in c)
GB-Lbl (Roger printed parts, g.35, incomplete)
GB-Ob (Print, in d)
B-Bc (Ms score, 25.432, p.20ff.)
NL-DHgm (Print, in d)
S-Skma (Print, in d)
D-Dl (Roger printed parts, Mus.1-O-1, in d)
Free download: Modern Edition Score and Parts Show Download
Misc. information:Ms with small changes; c3's in last mvmt suggest c was orig. key. This conc. tr. J.S. Bach for Hps (BWV 974); B-Bc ms is a copy of the Roger print
Related works: ---
References: Humiston (p.223), Jerome (p.152-8), Meylan (nr.59), Kade (II,p.32), MGG 1 (Art. on A.M.), and Selfridge-Field 1990 (p.364f.)
New Comments: There is one comment (log in to add a comment).
David Skulski commented over 6 years ago: I do not understand why the presence of some c3's "suggests" that c minor was the original key. This makes no sense to me at all. And d minor is rather more grateful to play on a two keyed oboe.
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